偏 見 由 此 生

黃歡: on November 12, 1998 at 08:36:57:

有個新加坡網站,大概是看了英文版後,寫信給我提關於TAARF的Mailing List的事情,叫我到他們的網頁看看。我去看了,結果裡面有二段文字,讀後甚感遺憾,

As there are no other humane(no-kill, non-profit)shelters in Taiwan currently, .................

Although T-AARF is the only humane shelter in Taiwan .......,


另外在TAARF網站留言板上也看到一篇來自新加坡的留言(編號:Record 48),裡面有段寫道:

I sure hope that p(eo)ple in Taiwan will change their "strange" habit of EATING dogs.(This is what i read from another site - www.f1.net.au/users/Dan/index.htm#contents) I would encourage you to view the site with your colleages, in order to do something to help improve the situation.

LYS on November 12, 1998 at 21:38:57:


黃歡: on November 12, 1998 at 22:17:35:



on 11/20/1998 at 14:34:00

Hello,I come from Taiwan, I'm a dog lover. It's nice to find so many friends here, and I'm grateful for your efforts of saving Taiwan's bandoned dogs. In recent few years, my country have vast progress in improving animal conditions. The first Animal Protection Law had been legislated this year. This law fight against any kind of crurel behavior to animals,not only to strays, but also including pets , domestic animals & fowls. Our dog pounds run by the government, which were condemned for inhumane treatment of strays, improved step by step. There are many private (no kill) shelters existing more than two decades, save abanded animals on street and take good of them till the end of their lives. More and more people dedicate their time and money to the strays, those private shelters will never stop their work. Thank you for listerning to me, and thank you for your efforts.

on 12/02/1998 at 13:31:00

Hello, it's me again, come from Taiwan. There's a message here,Record 48 by April Ng,accusing Taiwanese for eating dog. I visited the site he mentioned few days ago, it discusses not about Taiwan, but Korea. Although, some people in Taiwan did eat dog, but they are only a few and declining in number. Nobody eat cat. Our new generations don't eat dog. Most people gradually accept the conceps that dogs and cats are our good friends, not for food. Also the conceps of treating any kind of animals in humane way has been widely accepted. I believe animal conditions will be improved with time. Nice to meet you all. You are welcome to visit our website: Tales of stray dogs in Taiwan http://www.lft.com.tw/hh/eng/

LYS: on November 12, 1998

是否對台灣幾個比較有規模的 shelter 做些報導放網站上,然後去那些「說我們壞話」的網站留言板請他們來看?(其實也不是「說我們壞話」啦,只不過說的是許多年前的東東,資訊缺少更新管道而已)

偏見可以用事實糾正, 傲慢就難改了。

黃歡: on November 12, 1998 at 18:49:20:

幾個談到台灣流浪狗問題的英文網站,裡面所提的殘酷事實實是發生於pound(政府的暫時留置所), 而非shelter(私人設的庇護所), 有的甚至搞不清在台灣這兩者的區別。

