

LYS整理 11/29/1998更新

KiKi :11/25/98
Hello, Dr. Chen:
 My dog was on "heart worm" prevention "forever". However, for the last 3 months, I didn't give him any because I was busy with school works, and etc.

Now, he is back on "heart worm" prevention again. Do you think that he will be infected with "heart worm"?

What are the symptoms of a dog infected with "heart worm"?

PS. Thanks for your help, and time.

LYS簡譯 :11/29/98
我的狗原本吃 "forever" 預防心絲蟲,因為我太忙,這三個月忘了給藥,現在再繼續吃藥,是否會因此被感染?感染有何症狀?謝謝幫忙。

Dr. Charles Chen :
Dear Kiki :
First, you need to know the mosqutos season in your area, general speaking the preventive pill need take one month before and after the mosqutos season.

If the season is all year, your dog need do a blood test around 3~4 month later to confirm that your dog did not infected during your busy time.

LYS簡譯 :11/29/98


KiKi :
Thanks, Dr. Chen. I think I need to bring my dog to the Vet. as soon as possible. ( I am going to make an appointment tommorrow.)

It's pretty hot in Oklahoma during that time. So, to be safe, it's better to check my dog out. God, please don't let my dog infect with that disease.

LYS簡譯 :11/29/98

Dr. Charles Chen :
Dear Kiki, remember to ask your vet about the mosqutos season and how offten did they see heartworm disease in your area. be sure to get information as detail as possible. May be you pay about 40$ for office charge you need ask questions as many as you can.

LYS簡譯 :11/29/98



  • 幼虫仍能發育成成虫嗎?會死嗎?
  • 還是停在幼虫階段不死不活?
  • 會有症狀嗎?
  • 不驅虫繼續吃預防藥,行嗎?(假若已是老狗活不了幾年)


Dr. Charles Chen :

  • 幼虫仍能發育成成虫嗎?會死嗎?
    用 ELISA 法檢查 Positive 表示已有成蟲。
  • 還是停在幼虫階段不死不活?
  • 會有症狀嗎?
  • 不驅虫繼續吃預防藥,行嗎?(假若已是老狗活不了幾年)

KiKi :
Now, I am scared. Please don't let my baby get infected with that terrible disease. By the way, will he be infected with Heartworm disease if he is "indoor" all the time?

I have made an appointment for my baby. But, the Doc. won't see him until two days later. It's Thanksgiving in here. So,,, If the disease is caught in the early stage, will my dog still die " for sure "?

He is 6-year-old now. Is he too old to survive if he is infected? Too many questions, and too much regrets. I hope my baby is fine.

Get a blood test now so I can make sure he is ok. Pray for him, guys. My dog's name is KiKi, too. He is a boy. ^__^

LYS簡譯 :11/29/98
一直呆在室內的狗會被感染嗎?兩天後才看得到獸醫。若仍為感染初期,牠是否「一定」會死?牠已六歲,會不會太老了?我的狗叫 KiKi,是男生,幫我祈禱吧!

Dr. Charles Chen :
You can do nothing now, even your dog is infected during that 3 months period, do any test now will get NEGATIVE result now.

For a indoor dog still has posibility get heartworm, No one can predict. I have a client living in 24 floor and got heartworm.

Early stage of heartworm in most cases will no signs except you do test.

For a 6-year-old dog treatment of heartworm still quite safe for most dog.

For your case, I think the best way is give prevention pill now, please use 『Interceptor(Novartis)』 do not use 『Heartgard』, Interceptor can kill more stages of larvae then Heartgard. Do test 3 months later and 6 months later, only that time the test can make sure that your dog got heartworm or not. If you do test now just waste money it must be NEGATIVE. (but be sure that you never miss any pill before.

You should get some brochure from your vet. also you can cancel the appointment with your vet. I save your money so You o me 40 USD for consultant.

LYS簡譯 :11/29/98





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